I’m Miki, a product designer from NYC. ✌︎
I spend most of my time maintaining a solid caffeine buzz and looking for dogs shaped like potatoes or gazelles. Spotting a corgi or greyhound is 100 points. Dogs are perfect in every way, however, I am very against hotdogs. I like to say “in order to be a dog, you must have the ability to bark.”
Further, I feel that improperly named foods are a missed opportunity. ‘Eggplant’ is one of the worst offenders (at second place). Some other things that distress me include: speaking before thinking, animals wearing nail polish, putting ‘outside clothes’ on the bed, the beach, socks with toe pockets (sloves? gocks?), people who don’t let you get off the train before stepping in, and pizza that has no structural integrity.
Things that don’t vex me? Podcasts, writing for pleasure, reading for self-improvement, the critically acclaimed film “The Room,” and many others. I’m an over thinker– not a pessimist– and a designer from Queens, living and working in Manhattan.